Journalism Archive

Is There Anything Else? Wrapping Up An Interview

Posted July 10, 2018 by Bill Wheelhouse

This week’s tip might seem basic, but it’s always important, as someone once said, “to be brilliant on the basics.” A good infielder takes a lot of ground balls in practice.

When you are wrapping up an interview or background conversation with someone, always remember to ask them “Is there anything else you would like to add?”.   More  

More Ways To Get The Info You Need

Posted July 3, 2018 by Bill Wheelhouse

Tracking public records is one of the key ways to find information.  LaReeca Rucker reported for Newslab on the recent IRE gathering.   She came away with these tips.

One of the most informative sessions was called “Public Records Track: 50 Records to Request Now.” Described as a “quick-paced,  More  

Pick from the Buffet of Records

Posted June 1, 2018 by Bill Wheelhouse

This week’s tip comes from Pro Publica Illinois.   It’s a great way to find a trove of information that’s available to you.

Pick from the buffet of records: Many public agencies are required to keep what they call record retention schedules. That means you could ask for this list of all data an agency collects and then specify exactly what you need in your request.   More