Getting a grasp on tax policy can be tough, especially on a short deadline. Whether time is short or whether you are learning, there is information here that can help you.
As a bonus, you can click on these links and find great story ideas!
One of the most understandable explanation of taxes at the state level is a guide for lawmakers produced by the Legislative Reference Bureau. Along with income taxes, it explains the Illinois tax system from automobile renting to video gaming taxes.
The Illinois Department of Revenue handles the taxation issues in the state. If you spend some time on the agency’s website, you can find it is a great research tool. Another great source for accurate research and tremendous story ideas can come from the Taxpayers Federation of Illinois. The organization is well-respected and its on-line publications are worth checking out.
Two state government sources also provide analysis and summaries of the state’s financial condition. The Illinois Office of Management and Budget provides analysis from the perspective of the Governor’s office and the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability is the fiscal forecasting arm of the Legislature.