There are more than 30 exemptions from the State’s Open Meetings Act. Here is a list of those areas where a public body can meet in closed session.
This is a general summary. Please refer to other sources and Illinois law for more explanation and interpretation.
- Collective Bargaining
- Evidence or Testimony
- Salaries
- Prisoner Review Board deliberations
- Real Property
- Public Safety
- Securities & Investments
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Discussion of Litigation
- Employment Matters
- Student Disciplinary Cases
- Professional Ethics or Performance
- Discrimination Complaints
- Appointments to fill vacancies on public bodies
- Establish Reserves or Settle Claims
- Review or Discuss Claims
- Illinois Experimental Organ Transplantation Procedures Board
- Health Care professionals
- State Employees Suggestion Award Board.
- Closed Meeting Minutes
- State Emergency Medical Services Disciplinary Review Board
- Municipal Utility
- Residential health care facility resident sexual assault and death review team
- Team Of Experts Under Brian’s Law (Developmental Disability Institutional Safety Act)
- Meetings between internal and external auditors. And governmental audit or finance committees when involving risk & fraud among other things.
- Meetings and Deliberations for decisions of the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board
- Illinois Fatality Review Team Advisory Council
- Certain meetings between Regional Transportation Authority Board and its Service Boards.
- Advisory Committee and Peer Review Subcommittee created under Illinois Controlled Substance Acts.
- Tax Increment Financing reform Task Force.
- Mortality Review Team appointed under the Department of Juvenile Justice Mortality Review Team Act.
- Disclosure of certain correspondence and records in Illinois Public Aid Code.
More information and explanations can be found from The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, The Illinois Attorney General and Illinois Open Meetings Act Statutes.