Campaign Finance Resources: Sources of information and data compiled by Kent Redfield.
Kent Redfield
Illinois statewide and legislative elections
Private campaign contribution and expenditure databases – 2000 – 2018
State board of election data with value added through standardization and coding
Illinois Election Data– Scott Kennedy
Best source of current and historical Illinois election data – open access and subscription data
Developing a strong campaign finance data presence – Tracks targeted legislative races
Illinois State Board of Elections
Searchable and downloadable data base of campaign contributions (1994 to present) and campaign expenditures (2000 to present)
No value added – providing access to electronic public documents
Downloadable election data for primary and general election by candidate, office and county
Excellent campaign finance and candidate guide publications
Illinois Campaign for Political Reform – ICPR
Illinois Sunshine data base
Searchable database of campaign contributions and expenditures
Center for Responsive Politics – Open Secrets – Federal Data
Federal PACs, 527s, Non-profits, 501(C)(4)
Federal Candidates and Elections
National Institute for Money in Politics
(formerly the National Institute for State Money in Politics)
Comparative data on state campaign finance
Data, analysis, research, and theory on federal elections and campaign finance reform – Campaign Finance Institute CFI is now a
division of the National Institute for Money in Politics
Campaign Finance Institute
Data, analysis, research, and theory on federal elections and campaign finance reform
Now a division of The National Institute for Money in Politics